EEI is not looking for just any client. We are seeking companies with leaders who share our philosophy of serving and empowering others. For those companies who are serious about creating an ownership culture for all their employees, EEI is uniquely responsive to that need.
EEI serves companies, governments, and local communities to raise levels of productivity, profits and equity through expanded share ownership opportunities. We are especially attuned to the needs of small businesses. We also serve unions who are seeking greater levels of economic justice and empowerment for their members through ownership-oriented “labor deals”.
We serve authentic leaders, people who lead by good example, by clear vision, and by sound ethical values. Our experience has shown that a true ownership culture will never emerge or be sustained without authentic leaders who seek to serve, teach and empower others.
We serve every owner—every worker-owner (rank-and-file through top executives), every customer-owner, and every citizen-owner—to ensure that maximum benefits, participation opportunities, and profits flow to all the owners.
We respect and work within an organization’s chain of command. However, we will not serve companies whose leadership does not respect the ownership rights of employees or seeks to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else.